Reprogram your mind while you sleep.

Learn how to access the "operating system" of your mind - the subconscious, where we can change the patterns that automate our unwanted habits. We guide you past the "interface" of the conscious mind through powerful audio experiences that will release unconscious blocks..

Subconscious reprogramming explained

Audio downloads that positively empowers your neurology

Theta brain waves, measured at 4-7 Hz, are the brain frequencies of the barely conscious states just before sleeping and just after awakening. Theta is the intriguing border between the conscious and the subconscious worlds.

Theta brain wave states are an incredibly powerful suggestible state of being for the mind. This simply means we can absorb instructions or beliefs very effectively whether they are positive or negative. Einstein and Edison tapped into this truth many times for inspiration - now it's your turn.

How to get started

Step 1: Download the audio album below​

Step 2: At your bedtime, select one of the tracks on the album depending on your current desired outcome and put your headphones on at a comfortable volume

Step 3: Allow the positive messages to flow through to your subconscious mind as you fall asleep

Step 4: Repeat this process for 21 days in succession alternating tracks as you please. Watch your state of being change in subtle ways throughout the day

Download your audio below

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